Archive for September, 2007

Be the architect of your dream

September 19, 2007

EACH man is the architect of his own career and success. In the workshop of your own mind, with positive thoughts as your tools, you may carve the image of that which you want, and the law of attraction will draw you to the outward, physical reflection of that image.

Everyone of us wants to be successful in life. To realise that dream, we must stop thinking of failure. We must stop thinking of poverty and misery; stop thinking of envy and jealousy and all of the other negatives which destroy the foundation stones of positive thoughts.

And, above all, we must stop complaining and railing at fate and blaming others for our own problems in life.

Remember, ” Nothing succeeds like success!” We should then think success and act successful.
One good example is this man who had lost all of his fortune except a hundred dollars. And he spent it all on a new suit.

 When a well-meaning friend reprimanded him for his extravagance and foolishness, he replied: “To you, this may seem like poor judgment, but the suit that I purchased with my last dollar gives me a hundred dollar feeling- a poverty and soon regain all that I have lost.”

And he eventually did just that, with sheer courage and hard work, of course.


Agama, akal dan budi pekerti

September 19, 2007


Rasulullah SAW bersabda bermaksud:

“Yang menjadikan orang mukmin itu pemurah adalah agamanya, dan yang menjadikan orang itu mempunyai kehormatan adalah akalnya dan yang menjadikan orang itu mulia adalah budi pekertinya.”


Doa dan permohonan…

September 19, 2007


Ya Allah…. jangan Engkau paling dan Engkau sesatkan hati kami setelah Engkau memberi petunjuk. Jadilah kami antara hamba-hambaMu yang sentiasa bertaqwa kepadamu.

Ampunkanlah dosa kami ya Allah, sama ada dosa kecil atau dosa besar; sama ada dosa yang disengajakan atau tidak. Kami banyak dosa,ya Allah. Kami banyak kesilapan. Jika Engkau tidak mengampuni dosa kami, siapa lagi yang akan mempedulikan kami ya Allah. Hanya kepadaMu kami memohon, dan hanya kepadaMu kami bertawakkal.